Help Bridge the Gap between homeless animals and forever homes.
Hallie Hill Animal Sanctuary is a 501(c)(c) nonprofit that provides a compassionate safe-haven with quality food and medical care for dogs and cats; a temporary home for those able to be adopted and a forever home for those in need.
Your support of Bridge the Gap runners will help Hallie Hill continue to provide the care, compassion and love these animals need to survive and thrive. Thank you for your support!
Hallie Hill holds a special place in my heart. It has a unique role in the Lowcountry of South Carolina in providing a forever home for dogs and cats that other rescues or shelters are unable to house. Through careful care and attention, the staff and volunteers either ready the animals for adoption or give them attention and love until their old age points them to the rainbow bridge. I've had the pleasure of sharing Jin Shin Jyutsu with many of the special needs dogs and their transitions are remarkable. Titan is my current "project." He was initially very fearful and shy but with the loving attention of our amazing volunteers and many JSJ sessions, he is now able to be a gentlemanly house guest. My hope and prayer is that he will find a full-time home forever home with doting humans.
This is my 3rd year participating in the Bridge Run on behalf of Hallie Hill. I hope you'll support these residents as you support my 6.2 mile walk on April 5th. Thank you.